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50 seeds
Matures in 120 days
Planting companions: Peppermint benefits almost all plants and repels many harmful insects.
Peppermint grows well in a pot.
Peppermint thrives in rich, moist soil and partial shade. Sow your seeds directly in the garden after the last soil frost. Thin the plants every 12 inches. Mint spreads easily and can quickly take over an area, so it's best to grow it in an isolated location or in a pot.
Fresh leaves can be harvested as soon as the plant reaches a height of 3-4 inches. The small, young leaves tend to have the best flavor. Cut the stems to less than 1 inch from the ground to allow for new growth. Trim the tops to delay flowering.
To dry the leaves, hang the stems upside down in a dry place until the leaves are dry; remove them from the stems and store them in an airtight container. Fresh mint leaves can also be frozen.