100 seeds
Matures in 55 days; this product will be back next year, thank you.
Planting companions: Beans, strawberries, cucumbers, onions, members of the cabbage family, ...
Unsuitable companions: Tomato, leek, carrot, potato,
Yellow beets do not bleed like red beets. Their roots are sweet and are best when consumed small. The flavorful leaves and stems can be consumed after 40 days. One-third of the foliage can be harvested without damaging the plant to add color to your salads.
Sow beet seeds directly in the garden 4 weeks before the last expected frost. Plant them in full sun in rich, well-drained soil at a depth of 1" and a distance of 1" in rows spaced 1 to 2 feet apart. Germination should occur within 5 to 15 days. Each "seed" of beet can contain up to 8 seeds, so thinning is necessary. The uprooted plants will produce a second crop, and transplanting them will place their harvest about 2 weeks behind the first plants. Be careful not to damage the seedlings during weeding. Beets prefer cool weather and can survive temperatures as low as -3°C (25°F)! Add compost or other organic matter for better growth.
Yellow beets taste better and are more tender when harvested between 1" and 3" in diameter. After uprooting, cut the foliage to about 1" from the stem.