25 seeds.
Matures in 70 days.
Planting companions: Basil, cabbage family, carrots, beans, lettuce, corn, peas, radishes, ...
Unsuitable companions: Potato, sage, ...
Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well. Therefore, it is recommended to sow the seeds directly in a fairly large peat pot 2 weeks before the last expected frost or directly in the garden at a depth of 1/2 inch. Don't forget to acclimate the plants planted indoors before putting them in the garden.
Cucumbers like heat and cannot tolerate even a slight frost. If cold temperatures threaten, cover them! Providing them with a trellis will save space in your garden and allow cucumbers to grow upright and stay clean. If you can't provide support, they will spread on the ground without any problems. Moisture is the key to success for a bountiful harvest, so mulch and keep the soil moist. Harvest cucumbers as soon as they are ready, and your yield per plant will be very high.