Purple Vienna Kohlrabi

Purple Vienna Kohlrabi

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50 seeds
Ready in 55 days
Companion planting: Onion, Beet, Cucumber, ...
Bad companions: Strawberry, Tomato, ...
The Purple Vienna Kohlrabi is a variety with a deep purple color and crisp, sweet white/greenish flesh. When the plant is mature, the flesh becomes fibrous, so it is best to harvest it when it is small, around 55 days after sowing.
Directly sow the seeds in rich, well-drained soil at a depth of ¼ inch in full sun. Since it prefers cool weather, you can start sowing as soon as the soil is workable, spacing them 4 inches apart, and continue sowing until the first fall frosts.
Kohlrabi reaches its optimal flavor when it can grow quickly; moisture and rich soil are the key. Harvest them when they reach a diameter of 2 or 3 inches by pulling the whole plant out. It can be stored for up to 1 month in the refrigerator.