White Cucumber

White Cucumber

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25 seeds
Matures in 60 days
Planting companions: Basil, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, beans, lettuce, corn, peas, radishes...
Poor companions: Potato, sage...
The "White Wonder" cucumber, with its ivory white color, has a very crunchy and sweet nature. It is a high-yielding variety of cucumbers that are ideal for eating raw or for pickling.
Cucumbers do not tolerate transplanting well. It is recommended to sow the seeds directly in a large peat pot two weeks before the last expected frost or directly in the garden at a depth of 1/2 inch. Plant two or three seeds per pot, and once the seedlings have 2 or 3 leaves, select the strongest plant by cutting the others with scissors. Don't forget to acclimate the plants before putting them in the garden. You can transplant them into the garden at least a week after the last frost.
Cucumbers love warmth but cannot tolerate any frost, even a light one. If cold temperatures threaten, cover them! Providing them with a trellis will save space in your garden and allow the cucumbers to grow upright and stay clean. However, if you cannot provide support, they will sprawl on the ground without any issues. Humidity is key to success for a bountiful harvest, so mulch and keep the soil moist. For the best taste, harvest them when they reach a length of 6 to 8 inches. If picked regularly throughout the season, the yield will be very high. When the flowering end of the cucumber starts to turn yellow, it indicates that the cucumber is ready.